Tuesday 29 September 2015

Silver Flame

I`m not from this world
that i know 
violets bloom on my palms
rose hips on my forehead,tulips in my heart are wrapped 
I`m not in love with you all,Above me is another sky -clear are blinking the starsof Saturn and Mars, Moons are fading away on the galaxy blankets all we are covered with mistbut some with dust of smokessome with black alcohol poisons,we breath atmosphere of gases and trample the body of sacred Earth - unknown, unaware, unconsciousuntil the next reincarnation of Maiafor me the cycle ended...I`m the face of the Moon in silver. 

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Impression Green

I see you on the other side
Of the mirrored lake,
Your gown in green tulle
Waving on the breeze
Cloudy waters of the lake
Embrace your body,
Your reflection is shimmering
Little sun spots radiate
Your smile and face "
In symphony of green
On the other side of lake
In waving tulle I see myself.
Tags: GreenDreamIllusionDreams

Willow tree

It was a willow tree once there
At the land of lake and mist,
It was standing lonely on the shore
Waiting for a beautiful hand to touch
Its shining leaves.
It was a woman in green, wrapped in
A scarf with autumn leaves,
Her hair was with honey color
Her eyes were magnetizing and dark,
She came to the willow on twilight "
Rainy clouds gathered with above
With gray shadows,
She weeps under the tree and talks to it
“Oh, willow, where is my beloved…
since years he went to the land of
pineapples and sun,
and then he never returned..
I promised to wait him every night,
And every day I light candles and pray.”
The woman`s tears fall from her beautiful eyes,
They touched the ground of the tree
And dropped on its leaves…
“Don`t cry, dear “ replied the willow,
I`m here beside you, I hear and feel,
I was also a maiden one day in life
Waiting my beloved I came here to cry
Near the lake and mist.
Years passed by ,he never returned
And my longing increased
One day I just woke up and found
My hands transformed into green leaves
My body " to stem of a willow tree.
God gave me peace , I`m still crying
But I don’t wait for him.
The woman in green was amazed
She felt suddenly quite inside herself,
She stood little with opened eyes
Gazing the lake, then kissed the tree
And turned away.
The willow saw her smile, she never came
Again to the mist and lake land,
But her autumn leaves scarf is still there…
Tags: LoveNatureSadnessNature

Monday 27 July 2015

Impression - Cherries

If you ask me as always you do,
What I ate for breakfast today,
I can say honestly and with smile,
I ate cherries red and sweet
From the country yard,
I love the taste and smell of fruits "
But all the summer I can eat
just cherries.

If you ask me as always you do,
What dress I wear today "
I can say with smile and blush,
I wear summer dress with stamps of
Cherries… red on white, and little
Green leaves between.
You could see me now in different light.

If you ask me as sometimes you do,
Ignoring my mood,
What kind of panties I wear today,
I could say if I wished in this time
They are also little white with
cherries stamps in front and lace.
Now you imagine even better all of me,

And curious enough you ask me
About my smell and when I took shower today.
I don’t expect so smart question from you "
As a man with strong imagination and needs
And I say straight away, my hair has the smell
Of fresh cherries and rain, and my body too
As I put a cherry lotion.
Now no more questions I allow, you could guess
What taste and smell I am…

Sunday 26 July 2015


I`m Rhea, 

cold white clouds

Cover my naked shoulders,

My hair smells of coconut and ice,

I fly since long ago " I don’t

Remember what is meaning of time…

Sometimes far away, sometimes near

To my brother Titan I drift,

We both are swirling in vacuum

So silent is here "

we can hear the sound of sun whispering,

Sometimes screaming moons and comets

I want to reach to him through space

But never could, 

the mist and emptiness surround our bodies,

My surface is frozen with ice "

I feel his eyes on me from far burning 

Protecting me, soothing me, loving me

From the galaxies between...

{ nour ,July 2015 }

Saturn 1

I`m a child of Saturn,
With power and grace
I`m turning in the Space
Timeless, vast, sprinkled
With stars, moons and suns

I`m always alone,
In the mirrored universe
I see my father Saturn
From far away, sunk in
Clouds of dust.

So many galaxies died
Until I reach him finally.
His rings of rocks and winds
Embrace me with his love,
His heart of liquid hydrogen
I feel from distance how it beats
With pulse of pure loneliness. 

I`m Rhea, dressed with light
Of little moon, tulle and lace.
You couldn’t see me now,
My shadow is ahead,
I hide my face behind my father.

© n.nour

Your Pari ~

You cant sleep if you are far
From me,

The bells of church wake me up with
First morning down in pink,
Here in the Melancholic town,
The adhan voice for prayer
Had woken your mind long ago…
But your eyes are so tired with
Longing to see me…

You wake up with thought of me
And every time you sleep with
Secret, precious picture of my face
Your eyes are looking to the world
There in the burning sun of Ramadan,
But they see just my blushing cheeks.

You cant sleep if you are far
From me, 

You need me just inside of you
In your hot burning arms ,
Full of sparkles and fire you are,
Your need is never satisfied…
You just want to hug me tight
As if you swallow me completely
And me to live inside you..

How do you see me with your eyes?
As little fairy in a dress of tulip white.

But am I not so dangerous for you?
While coming in my Melancholic room
In moon full night,
You want to breath my smell,
To inhale my essence, all of me,
You want to touch me and embrace me,
But I coulodnt be enough for your
Hungry senses.

And i`m still asleep in peaceful dream
With stars, while you whisper again "
“ I adore you, sweet sister of mine” 

{ nour, July 2015 }

-- note : Pari means "fairy" in Hindu 


The sound of drifting wind,
The sound of rain drops
On the silenced window,
Sound of graceful waterfall,
The sound of early birds
On the mountain tree,
Can you feel, can you see,
Can you understand
This language?
The speech of sorrow,
Sadness, loneliness,
The drums of happy moments,
Smiles and joyful sharing,
The beats of heart in love,
The sound of lifting spirit
Of two souls in one together "
Can you feel, can you see,
Can you understand
This language?
The sound of mother earth,
Of horses running fast,
Of soldiers, wars and
Thousands warriors ahead
In cause, the sound of
Killing, horror, blood,
Screaming of a child,
The sound of night "
Of falling stars of hanging
Slice of moon…
The sound of planets
And of universe out there
Watching us "
Can you feel, can you see,
Can you understand
This language?
A sound of crying baby,
New soul born, the hope
In eyes, the praying hands
The trust in God,
The sound of coming day,
The quiet speech of flowers,
Listen to them…feel…
Can you understand this

{ n.nour -July 2015} 

Our Shadows ~

Our shadows are drifting
With the colorful kites,
Feeling warmth of the morning
I hold your hand, you press
My fingers gently in your palms,
While walking my gown drags
On the sand
Our shadows become longer
Until we walk so, slowly
Step by step
You have a gray hat, and me-
My scarf with prints of blue stars,

Reaching the light of the sunset
Reaching the end of our way to home.

Twilight Orchids

In the room of dusk
Waiting for the sun to dive
Into the space behind the sand hills,
Your fingers embracing the white cup of tea
In the orange blush of warm light,

You stare at me, 
my eyelashes flutter
I look away " the window steamed from inside
Orchids in a glass looking at us
The twilight is coming, and fading
Your arms stretched to me -
But who stole our memories,
My brother?

Going to hang out your shirt
Your arms tremble again with longing,
Why you need me always more,
Even you know I`m forbidden?
The cat is meows outside,
Branches of the willow shivering
In the caressing wind,
You stay behind me, hugging me silently
Your voice is frozen long ago "
But who stole our memories,
My brother? 

© n. nour 
July 2015

Sunday 5 July 2015

Saturn 1

Exquisite stranger
Your system is breathing
With a high speed winds
Mysterious nine rings
Swirling continuously
Around your face
With dust, rocks and ice –
Particles of isolation,
Heavy dreams, strong
Heartbeat. Pieces of blue,
White, yellow and violet
Sixty two moons orbit you,
So to feel save, harmonious
Love, for sixty two years in space.
We love you, Saturn,
Your atmosphere of ammonium
Crystals in pale yellow hue…
Attracts our mind, what is behind you?
Deep metallic heart of hydrogen,
Of helium and gases – beats inside
Your giant body…
Where your existence started,
While our dust will vanish millions

Friday 26 June 2015

Flying I

I was flying

Above the vast sand hills,

Above yellow wheat fields,

Above the green mellows

Above the top blossomed trees,

Above the roaring dark sea,

I was flying

Above many stretched hands

Wanting me to fall,

Above many passed dreamed,

Above many obstacles,

Above many lost places,

Past tombs, graves, ruins

Above the life and love,

Above you –

All I had with me – my wings.

Dusky sky

In the dusky sky –
Two birds are falling,
The distance between us
Broken space and time
I`m asleep, wrapped
In my dream like an
Iris chalice,
Your are awake, closed
Behind the doors of
Your hopes, waiting
Waiting for the moment
To come, and moments to
Pass, waiting my waking.
In the clear night sky
Two stars are falling.