Wednesday 23 August 2017

How you fall from...High

How you fall from …high?
  1. you cant stay in one place;
  2. time is stretching endlessly
  3. you draw vivid pictures in your mind of insanity
  4. you miss something and nothing can complete this emptiness
  5. you are anxious and moving from room to another
  6. you love thinking about impossible realities.
  7. you become split in two different personalities.

So happily you are falling. 

nina nour *
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Your galaxy

Your galaxy so deep and vast
And dark, stretched far away
Connects through the time
With my little galaxy,
You swallowed my stars,
My milky way, all my past moons,
All my present planets,
Now I`m so safe within
Your perfect magical space –

Stars stomach. 

nina nour *
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Looking at my lotus flower

You were looking at the lotus flower
In my hair, so dreamily,
We were flying as children
On the wings of time and ignorance,
Smell of loneliness, of space and freedom.
Silence and lotus white blossom,
You are piercingly looking at me,
As if I m a star, a book, a planet
That you are willing to discover.
You looked down innocently,
When our eyes met in a mystical ray
Of azurite light.

Light from the future. 

nina nour *
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Falling in Inspiration

Why I fell in…inspiration?
What causes this deep soulful touch?
My plaited hair, my forbidden coffee,
My green cotton dress, my world?
My fears, my thoughts and tears?
No, that’s just you – my mind loves
To soar in your forbidden city –
Azurite, golden and blue
I dwell here aside in my garden,

But my freedom is with you. 

nina nour *
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Surrounded by

Surrounded by mystical stones,
By my rose quartz friends,
My drafts and my old drawings,
Black and white fading photographs,
My angels and my broken dolls
I was far away from your cold presence
Unaware of your existence in blue,
I tasted the freedom of loneliness –

Now you are coming – sudden tremble,
Your face with loud quietness
Moved the many layers of time

You came just today to draw out my shadow. 

nina nour *
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Green Hiding

As if our souls agreed to meet
There in the mountains high
On the top of eternal pines
With magical silence
Listening to ghostly whispers,
Breathing from horizons
Serenity and blue hawk,
Our time dissolved to
Nothingness and hiding
Into the green adoration,

Stay here, my brother. 

nina nour * 
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Blue hiding

This time I`m so open and hiding
But I cant hide my glittering eyes,
This time you were so honest,
So much truth in your stories,
Your looks are still hiding  –
But you cant hide your burning arms.
We are trilogy of true presence of  the past,
True melancholy in our laugh,
True mystery in our belonging.

Your arms were open
But I didn’t hold you,
I was dying in my longing for you
Without sound, hopeless happiness
Just to be here and see your eyes.
Then to be forsaken to another world

Where I could hide for ages in my mystical cave. 

nina nour *
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Blue and Golden

Blue and golden are your colors
Of science, wisdom, warrior of mountains,
You loved the flight of the hawk
Roaming with open wings,
Followed by your hungry eyes.

Blue and golden – wisdom, strength
Royalty, deep thoughts, imagination
Mystical power, longing… but love?
This word is forbidden for you now. 

Blue is your hidden reality,
Your home, presence and words
Your calming voice, your speech
Are in dark shining blue, 
Encircling me with safe light
So long I was searching that
Nothingness, that peace, 
Disappearance of time with you
in my eyes you see our embrace –

golden memory from future space. 

nina nour * 
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Tuesday 22 August 2017

Azurite (4)

Azurite, please tell me
Your real name,
You seem so open to me
But sill I feel you re hiding
So many secrets
Beneath your strong surface
Your eyes are fiery burning,
Or just I draw it so in my mind
Your embrace is so cold and so hot too,
Like a volcano erupting to sky,
(or am I just vulnerable poetess,
draw that fantasy in my mind?)
Are you so cold, or deep fire is
Flooding beneath the cold rocks.

Azurite, come again, reveal your shine! 

nina nour
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Azurite (3)

The day is stretching long
Like an endless metro line,
I traveled to you yesterday
Today again alone
Behind the mirror
Under blankets,
Covered with little emptiness
With cotton of longing,
With sweet desire for
Something unknown –
The river of life is flowing
To the north,
But why I still walk to south
Again and again I return

To find my hidden sound of Self. 

nina nour *
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Azurite (2)

Eating figs here

Sweet day dreaming clouds
Wind in my garden of longing
Lonesome afternoons
One by one fruits melting
In my mouth,
Thinking of your look
I devote to broken memories
Pieces of past mirrors,
I see you there you exist still
So I have a happy smile –
But here I`m just collector
Of my own dreams.
Wind bells are singing 

Outside in balcony. 

nina nour *
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Azurite (1)

I sat by this river
Just day before yesterday
My thoughts drifting
Like a silvery thin smoke up
To the green covered hills
Of the mountains

I was not alone,
the silence in the air
Signified your purity
And your puzzled face

Your smile, your looks
All that so quiet
Reflects me now loudly. 
the time was
So vast stretched to
 with your eyes
Sparkling in my sight. 

Here in my misty room
time is frozen and still
time has turned to longing
for white forbidden skies,
for your gentle fingers,
melting on my blushed cheeks.

We belong to reality beyond horizon. 

nina nour *
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