Sunday 9 March 2014

Sea impression 6

The moon is lifting slowly its decorated crown
Of melted gold and silver " feel the air so cold
The sky swims peacefully in nights eyes
As if the ocean`s spirit reflects the heavens light
My soul is frozen, wished to have you by my side…

-- nour --

Sea impression 5

The sea drops craving in silver and blue
Splashes to the solid rocks…the fingers
Of the water move on them with love,
Eternal is the sea, constant is the ground
Just we are whirling, swimming in the
Life as little fishes made of many colors
Different clay, our water element glow.

-- nour --

Sea impression 4

We stand together on the beach,
on the right side soaring the rocks,
on the left side " the messy sea cost,
Behind us the sand volley ball team "
In front of me- dolphins joyfully dancing
In the air, shining seahorse in sun beams…

-- nour --

Sea impression 3

Little transparent jelly fish
Yellow- white "blue,
The sea is breathing as if
In a big bowl of glass 
With the eternal nature
Instinct of surviving…

I`m moving to the line
of the blushed sunset 
sparkling in crimson red -
calling me to swim so far
to the blurred horizon light.

-- nour --
august -013


I love to taste your salty kiss
And your tongue on my lips,
Until I feel the thrill to be
with a sea octopus as you,
your tentacles wrapped tight
around my surreal fish tail.

-- nour ---

Sea Impression 2

Blue green foam reflect the sun light

As you are watching the waves
 In a chasing lovers game, you hear
The sweet sea symphony and chorus
Of sweet mermaids, see the milky
White skin of my breasts, while
I`ll look to me closer
And closer, until your eyes become
Hypnotized by my magical whirling
tail of nymph. i`m not fantasy, but

real lover of the sea, dancing foam-
come and take me in your dream…

-- nour --
august -013

Sea Impression 1

With the salty kiss of the sea

the sun blushed in

crimson innocent down

horizon sparkling smile.

-- nour --


Bloom 3

I don`t need you
to feel complete,
to roam in the air
of bloom and heavens,
to spread my wings 
and escape from your
scary faces, words and
demanding gleams.

I don`t need you 
all of you in my life,
I just need myself to
feel the fresh freedom
of senses in blushing 
sunrise, to view the 
silver glittering moon
while my spirit is there
with the face of my love,

I don`t need you
to feel complete 
I just need myself. 

---- nour ----

Bloom 2 ~

When I feel roaming on the winds
Caressing my hair and skin,  fluffy
Dandelions and petals dancing in
The air, as my heart beats with them,
When the north winds blow to south-
I know " your sad and full of sorrow
Facing the full moon of your mind,
Never find the release, needing my light.

When the south winds blow to north-
I see your message as deep pink roses
Coming to my home, as if they talk
They smile and radiate your smile and love,
Then your caring eyes look at me from above.

When the east winds blow to west-
All I`m sure you are doubtful and request
Just some loving lines, letter from my hand
In summer nights to remember your pain.

When the west winds blow to east-
Feel that our love was all illusion and mist.
It is gone now, blown on these winds "
Find another, but she loves you still”
Moon beams whisper in your soul…


Bloom ~

In the sacred space of air, 
feel the perfect grace of winds,
flying on delightful wings of 
my purple blue fragile thoughts-
just to see part of you in me -
lost. Embracing the harmony of sky
where is the patience of my smile,
I always wanted to have more -
more love, more peace, more of 
your endless kiss. when the evening
ink blue winds blow - i found the 
deep horizons of my (your) soul. 

--- nour ---

Saturday 8 March 2014

Egypt 3

Ramadan approaches, full of sun and noises
Of the street, crowds in white long garments
Going to the mosque for early morning prayer
All around is silent before the first fajr call,
Colorful flags are waving on the wind, from both
Sides of narrow streets. I feel as if my soul
Is flying with their moves, I feel the peace
And happiness, excitement of the noon...
I see in nights the first slice of growing moon.

My favorite is melody of adhan, which brings
me back in times, so long ago, when I was child,
the voices of the prayers come along - and gather
high in the sky together in one gorgeous tone
with holly sound : Allaaahu Akbar, Allaaahu Akbar,
ashhadu ana la illaha il allah ...

--- nour ---

Egypt 2

My eyes- fixed in the mirror
Of the silent room, where
I was watching my reflection
Holding my black camera,
I was watching myself there,
As a ghost woman, dressed
In my black and white dress
With stamps of blooming flowers.

I didn’t see the female ghost there,
But I think she saw me " as
I was attached to my reflection
While on the photos later,
I recognized her ephemeral
Silhouette in cloudy shine of 
the mirror. She was Isis.

---nour ---

Egypt 1

She was all in black garment,
Covering her body to the ground
Black above black, I couldn`t see
Her hands in black long gloves,
I couldn’t see her feet "
Just noticed black socks in a
Closed black shoes, inside the
Room she walked "
I couldn`t see her face, veiled
In black thin niqab, leaving
Some space just for her sight-
All I could see were her sparkling
Light blue eyes, in peaceful harmony.
Her hand in black touched mine.


Void 6

I have lost my black notebook, 
The one so near to my soul,
I can`t write anything more -

I have lost my blue ink, 
the one I was so attached and
taking it always in my handbag,
I can`t feel complete anymore.

Voices echoing under ground
are calling me at nights, when 
I`m turning in the bed around,
They know where my notebook is,
they know what is written inside,
Inviting me, whispering : "come 
here in this world, take your soul!"

Then will I return to the light? 


Void 5

Sweet melancholia absorbs my heart,
Where "myself" disappeared in the night -

My dreams on blue clouds and raindrops
move the oxygen from foggy air around.

Mountain is crying out, as if in birth pain
Sun rays are gentle fingers caressing her edge 

Stimulating energy flows through my blood,
when I stare at empty sky, I see with your eyes.

You are always my brother in the misty path
quiet place, spirits of all fallen stars in our arms.


Void 4

While she is looking at his eyes,

he was looking at my lips,

she is looking at her hands,

while he is observing my arms.

She`s staring at his back,

while his eyes abide in my hair,

she is absorbed with his smile,

while he is looking at my legs,

she investigates his fingers,

in the time he`s watching my feet,

she tries to see deeply in his love.

She sees her vanity, while he 

affirms my fragility spontaneously 

They all see my emptiness -

while I look into the mirror,

here I see the real you


Void 3

Take this shining apple, Adam,
Take a bite! It`s so tasty, sweet
Even the poisonous juice inside "
Love it as yourself, because God
You have betrayed! Move aside.
Love me now as yourself, I`m
This apple Eva, and you wife…
You couldn`t see my turquoise eyes,
Now you do.
You couldn`t see my shining skin,
Now you do.
You couldn`t know and feel the
Sweetness of the love nectar…
Now you do, you paid the price
Of your curiosity and pride!


Void 2

The morning rays of light
Can`t enlighten my mind,
If i`m empty inside, my eyes
See you, but my heart is blind.
The bond of universe is that,
Our karma, existence in another
Sphere of light, you can see me
With the love of spirit…if no
Emptiness possess your sight. 

-© nour-

Void 1

This empty sky has no spaces
Inside, many layers embrace
My fragile heart, my naked shoulders,
This empty sky has no love
Except for the cloud in love
With one little girl Aisha so
Long time in poems ago…
This empty sky is my soul.


Friday 7 March 2014

Introspection 11

My travel starts at nowhere and
It`s endless, as our mind, striving
Too high, who knows where we would
Go "after we die " in the air, fire,
Deep water or melted earth, where
Is our destiny, decide until this moment,
Before time takes away from you
Your crystal breath and life.
But it`s never too late to fly…

nour -

Introspection 10

At the bottom of the lake,
My soul is drawing circles
Of light, so peaceful is here
Inside, full of mist and cool
Waters, embracing me all,
Without noisy voices, crowds
Finally I`m at my home.

- nour -

Introspection 9

When something is growing,
It`s suddenly silent " as flower,
Stayed too long under the soil
In silence, alone, preparing to
See the light of the sun,
Then it comes to the world,
But until its …turns into
Colorful blossom, there is time
To come and go, then again we
Wait until one magical day we
See the blossom of the flower-heart,
It stays just some days and some
Lonely nights, so gorgeous and
Proud of its beauty. The time is
Cruel, with the autumn leaves,
His soul is taken away from us.
The flower of our loves and hopes.

nour -

Introspection 8

I lost my memory,
All around returned to shadows,
Ashes, little sparkles flying on my
Mind, just I remember a view:
Sitting on a balcony with you,
Cup of coffee, sadness in my soul,
Melancholic air hardly we could breath "
It was something as pressure in us,
But holding our porcelain cups with
Fresh made coffee and milk,
We managed to realize through the
Train of time, this moment will be frozen
There in our minds. Forever.

nour -

Introspection 7

I received your letter, my heart,
It was late when it arrived "in the night,
And all the time I touched the paper,
So strange smell it radiated, touched
The ink letters with your handwriting
Written so fast, with careful hand,
Kissed it, as I would kiss your gentle fingers.
But it was late,
My blood couldn`t stop now flowing,
I`m not afraid to die,  just now as if in
Your hands, holding your letter I was

nour -