Thursday 27 November 2014

Eva -8-

The sorrow grips my senses
I`m drinking from the poisonous apple,
Now my eyes are suddenly opened for
The new light of the earth, and my mind,
Still dull, expecting punishment of hell.
In my innocence I never knew,
What is that Time, and space, heaven and hell.
Truly I was living in Eden?

My body has tempting curves,
And my skin is so soft,
My hair has the color of wheat…
My eyes seem like mirrors of lake,
Just in this sadness I could notice that!
Oh, Adam, you will adore my new essence
Of woman and Goddess of love!

Since than my price will be
To suffer birth pains and ages
To go, my life is not an endless joy,
But as a lonely flower I`ll grow…
From the knowledge apple seed
Spreads its shining spirit inside me.

-- nour --

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