Thursday 4 December 2014


You saw me today,
At the dazzling sunny lake

In afternoon so hot,
When the sour cherries
Filled the air with tart scent,
You saw me swimming
With my green bikini,
the willows with bent heads
with slight whispers were
watching me.
You wanted to say,
I`m your nymph, again
Leaving you trembling
In need of my skin,
Again with a fever
Without healing
Your heart beats
Painfully lost in your dream.
I didn’t notice your presence
Just my body felt your eyes
With burning circles of light "
And when I came to the shore
All wet and fresh,
I saw you standing there
Behind bamboo, hiding
My hand stretched for
A little red fruit,
Your fingers already
Longing for a touch "
As a forbidden fruit you
Look at me with piercing gaze
While I ate the fruit,
Our eyes met caressing
You kissed my lips,
in bamboo shadows,

and I felt your tears,
my dear brother.

© nina nour 
--- June 014

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