Thursday 4 December 2014

Vertical lines

We are free vertical lines
Stretching through the space
And time
Lost measures, lost souls,
Losing impatiently our core "

The root of love is the light
The root of good in knowledge
The root of universe is God
Why we are blind?

Just a poor vertical lines
From one point to another,
Growing, gathering, mating,
But what is inside?

Empty space, with no sight
Endless, cold, and hollow.
Where is our time, and
Where is our sense?
What is important for you
Is not m I n e…
What I`ll die for is never
Precious in your eyes.
We are alienated figures "
Not connected, core less
We lost our children in vein
In the cold wars, and then
Search for the answer...
It`s meaningless to give
A simple clue to grim, gray
Dying vertical lines. 

...nina nour

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