Monday 1 December 2014

Water Serpent -2-

Her eyes had an innocent light
Her eyes seemed as little sapphires
Looking to the eternity of the sea
Viewing the real ship in stormy waves,
She had a heart of crystal water
And water lily decorated her hair. 

While she enjoyed to play with fishes
She forgot her sadness, but deep in sea
There was a shell with a pearl, keeping
His soul, that she took away…
This far day, it was foggy and cold,
The air full of darkness and hope lost,
She took him away to her waters,
As she wanted him belonging to her,
But his being was close to the earth,
She just caught him in the net of love,
But what was that love in real "
She didn`t know.

How his pale face looked as asleep!
But why he never woke up then, she
Was full of grieve, and then she kept
His little soul-pearl in shell….
Just this way he could be for her "
The winters gone and summers come,
But memories are always there and
Her pearl, her only love, never gone.

:: nour ::

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